1 Bread – Phoon Huat


Potato Bread


7 people

7 Breads

Prep Time:
3 hr

Cook Time:
12 min

基本麵糰 (Dough)

WeightIngredientProduct Code
250 gmRedMan 麵包麵粉(Bread Flour)1207
40 gmRedMan 細砂糖 (Fine Sugar)1416
3 gmRedMan 海鹽(Sea Salt)58415
7 gmRedMan 奶粉 (milk powder)200231
3 gmRedMan 高糖酵母 11 G (yeast)12294
40 gmRedMan 雞蛋(Egg)12089
40 gmRedMan 無鹽奶油 (Unsalted Butter)68328
25 gm湯種 (Water Roux)
In Chinese refers to a bread-making technique known as “Tāng zhǒng” or “Water Roux” in English.

This technique involves cooking a portion of the flour and water in the recipe into a thick paste or gel-like mixture, which is added to the rest of the dough ingredients.

The resulting bread is usually softer, and fluffier and can have a longer shelf life than bread made without this technique.
100 gm水(Water)


  1. 將所有材料除了奶油之外,放入攪拌缸中以低速3分鐘快速5分鐘攪拌
    Place all ingredients, except for butter, into a mixing bowl and mix at low speed for 3 minutes, then increase the speed to high for 5 minutes until the dough is well combined.
  2. 完成後取出少許麵糰拉開,出現薄膜且破洞有鋸齒狀
    After mixing, take a small portion of the dough and stretch it out. The dough should be thin with jagged edges.
  3. 加入奶油低速3分鐘快速2分鐘混合均勻後,拉開薄膜破口處呈圓滑狀即完成
    Add the butter to the dough and mix for another 3 minutes at a low speed and 2 minutes at high speed until the dough is smooth.
  4. 將麵團取出放入發酵箱, 發酵1小時
    Place dough in a fermentation box for 1 hour.
  5. 工作台撒上一些麵粉,防止沾黏,將麵糰分割成每個60克之後,滾圓放在烤盤上繼續二次發酵30分鐘
    Sprinkle some flour on a work surface to prevent sticking. Divide the dough into pieces of 60 grams each, roll them into balls, and let them ferment for another 30 minutes on a baking sheet.
  6. 將拌好的內餡以每個30克包入麵糰裡
    Stuff each dough ball with 30 grams of potato filling and seal it tightly.
  7. 收口收緊後,整形成橄欖型,將整形好的麵糰沾上表面裝飾粉
    Shape the dough into an olive shape and dust the surface with sifted flour.
  8. 用牙籤或探針不規則的插上少許的洞
    Use a toothpick or probe to make some small holes in the dough.
  9. 放進發酵箱進行最後發酵45分鐘
    Put the dough back into the fermentation box for another 45 minutes.
  10. 即可放進烤箱200°/190°,烤約12分鐘即可
    Preheat the oven to 200°C/190°C and bake for about 12 minutes.

湯種 (Water Roux)

WeightIngredientProduct Code
100 gmRedMan 麵包麵粉(Bread Flour)1207
150 gm熱水(Hot Water)


  1. 將水煮沸後倒入攪拌缸裡
    Boil the water and pour it into the mixing bowl.
  2. 迅速倒入麵粉進行攪拌即可
    Quickly add the flour and mix.
  3. 冷藏一夜後隔日使用
    Refrigerate overnight and use the next day.

馬鈴薯泥內餡 (Mashed Potato Filling)

WeightIngredientProduct Code
100 gm馬鈴薯泥 (Mashed potatoes)
60 gmPAULY 奶油乳酪 (CREAM CHEESE 1.36KG)104218
20 gmRedMan 細砂糖 (Fine Sugar)1416
10 gmDAWN 煉奶 (sweetened creamer)56052


  1. 將所有材料混合攪拌均勻即可
    Mix all the ingredients and stir well.

表面裝飾 (Decoration)

WeightIngredientProduct Code
50 gmRedMan 卡士達粉(Custard Powder)53287


  1. 將所有材料混合攪拌均勻即可
    Mix all the ingredients and stir well.


Iced Bread


6 people

12 Breads

Prep Time:
3 hr

Cook Time:
15 min

基本麵糰 X2種口味

WeightIngredientProduct Code
300 gm“RedMan” 麵包麵粉(Bread Flour)1207
100 gm“RedMan” 蛋糕粉(CAKE Flour)1208
24 gm“RedMan”奶粉 (milk powder)200231
60 gm“RedMan” 細砂糖 (Fine Sugar)1416
4 gm“RedMan” 海鹽(Sea Salt)58415
4 gm“RedMan”高糖酵母 11 G (yeast)12294
60 gm“RedMan” 雞蛋(Egg)12089
160 gm“MUH” 保久乳(milk)55829
40 gm“RedMan”無鹽奶油 (Unsalted Butter)68328
40 gm湯種
6 gm“RedMan” 紅麴粉 (RED YEAST)56761


  1. 將所有材料除了奶油和湯種之外,全部倒進去攪拌缸裡進行慢速2分鐘快速3分鐘攪拌
  2. 加入湯中繼續攪拌,大約慢速1分鐘快速2分鐘
  3. 加入奶油慢速1分鐘快速2分鐘
  4. 麵團出筋,能拉成薄膜狀即可起鋼
  5. 整形成圓形進行基本發酵45分鐘~1小時
  6. 發酵完成後,將麵糰取出,分割成60公克後,滾圓沾上玉米粉,放在烤盤上進行最後發酵
  7. 一個小時後即可進行烘烤


WeightIngredientProduct Code
200 gm“MUH” 保久乳(milk)55829
90 gm“RedMan” 卡士達粉(Custard Powder)53287
100 gm“RAVIFRUIT” 百香果果泥50477
70 gm“Flechard” 35% 鮮奶油( Whipping Cream)58611


  1. 將牛奶與卡士達粉先行混合
  2. 加入果泥繼續攪拌大約2分鐘即可
  3. 放入冰箱冷卻後使用
  4. 打發鮮奶油後,加入百香果卡士達裡,即可灌入烤好的麵包裡


WeightIngredientProduct Code
200 gm“MUH” 保久乳(milk)55829
90 gm“RedMan” 卡士達粉(Custard Powder)53287
100 gm“RAVIFRUIT” 草莓果泥50488
70 gm“Flechard” 35% 鮮奶油( Whipping Cream)58611


  1. 將牛奶與卡士達粉先行混合
  2. 加入果泥繼續攪拌大約2分鐘即可
  3. 放入冰箱冷卻後使用
  4. 打發鮮奶油後,加入草莓卡士達裡,即可灌入烤好的麵包裡


WeightIngredientProduct Code
100 gmRedMan 麵包麵粉(Bread Flour)1207
150 gm熱水(Hot Water)


  1. 將水煮沸後倒入攪拌缸裡
  2. 迅速倒入麵粉進行攪拌即可
  3. 冷藏一夜後隔日使用


Sea Salt Butter Roll


3 people

6 Rolls

Prep Time:
3 hr

Cook Time:
15 min


WeightIngredientProduct Code
200 gmRedMan 麵包麵粉(Bread Flour)1207
50 gmTOMIZ 日本麵粉 (T65 flour)100625
20 gmRedMan 細砂糖 (Fine Sugar)1416
5 gmRedMan 海鹽(Sea Salt)58415
3 gmRedMan 高糖酵母 11 G (yeast)12294
12 gmRedMan奶粉 (milk powder)200231
20 gmMilac 38% 鮮奶油( Whipping Cream)1917
25 gm湯種
150 gm水(Water)
20 gmRedMan無鹽奶油 (Unsalted Butter).68328
1 gmRedMan 喜瑪拉雅岩鹽 (PINK HIMALAYAN SALT 100G)64652
8/個RedMan有鹽奶油 (Salted Butter)68327


  1. 將所有材料除了奶油之外,全部放入攪拌缸裡進行攪拌
  2. 慢速了2分鐘快速3分鐘後,大約攪拌至7分筋度時,加入湯種繼續攪拌
  3. 慢速1分鐘快速2分鐘後加入無鹽奶油繼續攪拌,攪拌至麵糰大略可拉出薄膜,此時約10分筋,即可停止攪拌
  4. 將麵糰取出,放置發酵箱,進行基本發酵45分鐘
  5. 發酵完成後,即可分割成每個重50克的大小,搓成水滴狀,進行二次發酵約20分鐘
  6. 最後將麵糰桿長,包入一條有鹽奶油,捲起即可進行最後發酵
  7. 發酵完成後,表面中間的部分撒上少許粗海鹽,即可烘烤


WeightIngredientProduct Code
100 gm“RedMan” 麵包麵粉(Bread Flour)1207
150 gm熱水(Hot Water)


  1. 將水煮滾之後,迅速沖入麵粉裡,快速攪拌成團即可
  2. 冷藏儲存一晚後隔日才能使用



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