1 Chang Er (Traditional Mooncake) – Phoon Huat


Chang Er (Traditional Mooncake)


6 people

6 pieces

Prep Time:
30 min

Cook Time:
1.5 hr


WeightIngredientProduct Code
70 gmRedMan Plain Flour1242
70 gmRedMan Hong Kong Flour1209
95 gmLyles Golden Syrup104214
1 tbspRedMan Alkaline Water10562
25 gmColavita Grape Oil80021


  1. Mix the oil,alkaline and golden syrup together
  2. Fold in the flour and mix to a dough
  3. Rest the dough for 15 minutes
  4. Then divide the dough to 40 gm each
  5. Flatten the dough and wrap in the filling, shape it round
  6. Put into the mould and press it firm
  7. Press it out from the mould and arrange on the baking tray
  8. Spray some water on the mooncake and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes until is light brown color
  9. Remove the mooncake from the oven and brush with egg yolk
  10. Put back to the oven and bake until is golden brown color another 10 minutes
  11. Take out and brush with super glaze immediately put on the cooling rack


WeightIngredientProduct Code
650 gmRedMan Hong Kong White Lotus Paste66931
50 gmRedMan Almond Slice (Roasted)909
6 nosRedMan Salted Egg Yolk12481


  1. Mix the paste and almond together
  2. Divide the paste to 115 gm and wrap the egg yolk in shape round



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